Living the Virtues

The power of soul.

faculty: Kathryn Booth, Joan Jordan Grant, Piers Kaniuka

Prerequisite: previous Alcyon program experience.

WIth Robert Sardello’s The Power of Soul: Living the Twelve Virtues as our guide, we are undertaking a 3-year practice of living into the 12 virtues together at Alcyon, building capacities for the way of sacred service in the world.

Register at the form on this page or click the registration button.

LTV 2025 dates

MAR 28-30: Truth

JUN 20-22: Courage

SEP 12-14: Discernment

DEC 12-14: Love

LTV tuition $600 per session; scholarships available.

Prerequisite: previous Alcyon program experience.

LTV faculty: Piers Kaniuka, Joan Jordan Grant, Kathryn Booth.

Background: For the last year, we’ve been asking ourselves how best to bear the complexity of our times and how to serve people who stand in the fray. It became clear that it is time to return to the profound work with the virtues (the full cycle of which we last undertook over ten years ago - 2012-2014). Those twelve sessions created a powerful foundation for all the work that came after, including the Contemplative Spiritual Direction Training. It became clear that it is time to return to the profound work with the virtues and let it help us turn from our personal concerns to the world concerns that are now ours to bear.

Holy Imagination: We feel the Virtues interweaving within us already. With the rhythmic and seasonal gatherings we will live into each virtue and experience a palpable and practical sense of how they weave a whole way of being in the world—one that allows steadying and healing presence. Here we build the foundations of new communities of beloveds for which we long and where surprising openings and hope can come to life. 

Preparation before session:  Reading a chapter in The Power of Soul: Living the Twelve Virtues and doing some on-the-ground research based on questions we send out.

Weekends include:

  • Practice, inside and out, with Heart and Silence

  • Building up an imagination of the virtue

  • Encountering the virtue in sacred text and poetry (PRDS) 

  • Working in dyads and in small group spiritual direction

  • Time for Stillness, Creativity, Storytelling

  • Time for ½ hour of shared Benedictine labor